Monday, July 05, 2010

Installing Mac OSX 10.6.2 Snow Leopard on Acer Aspire 4740G

After numerous retries, I have finally succeeded installing the Mac OSX 10.6.2 Snow Leopard on my Acer Aspire 4740G laptop with Windows 7 dual boot. Took me 10 times to install it correctly. So, to ease your pain, I'll share the steps for you to try.

What you gonna need :

- Installation DVD : Snow Leopard 10.6.2 by Hazard (Don't ask me how to get it, look around). But those of you who live in Indonesia, may contact me
- Adequate space on your hard drive and partition. You will need at least 2 primary partitions to install both Windows 7 and MacOSX. Remember : Primary partition, not extended nor logical. Mac OSX will take approximately 10 Gb.


- I am not responsible for any loss of data, hardware malfunction or any kind of damages caused by this tutorial. Always backup your data before proceeding. You have been warned.
- Follow the steps CAREFULLY. 1 mistake may ruin it all.

And now, the steps :

1. Install Windows 7 normally. Format the second partition for Snow Leopard (SL) with NTFS/FAT32

2. Before installing SL, make sure on your BIOS that HDD mode is set to AHCI

3. Boot using SL DVD

4. When Darwin Boot Loader appears, press F8 to enter advanced boot option

5. When the boot: prompt appears, type -v cpus=1 busratio=20

6. When you enter the GUI mode, press continue

7. After everything finished loading, on the top menu, select Utilities --> Disk utility

8. Select your target SL partition, then select Erase menu

9. Choose MacOSX Journaled file system, input the label for the partition, then click on erase to proceed with partition clean up

10. Close the disk utility

11. You should now be able to select the new partition as target installation

12. Select the partition, then click install

13. On the next page, before proceeding with install, click on customize button (on the bottom left corner)

14. Select the following package to install
  • Mac OS X 10.6.2
  • Kernel --> Mobdin Kernel
  • Boot_Loader_Intel_Only --> Chameleon RC3 + PC EFI 10.5
  • Graphic_Drivers --> Graphic Enabler
  • System_Support --> CMOS_Reset_Fix --> Apple RTC
15. Click install to proceed. The installation will now run and will take about 20 minutes to complete, depending on your DVD drive.

16. When installation completed, reboot your system, but do not remove the DVD just yet. We still need to remove some file before your MacOS can boot.

17. When the Darwin Boot Loader appears, repeat step 4, 5 and 6

18. Select Utilities --> Terminal

19. We will need to set the MacOSX partition as Active. To do so, type diskutil list on the terminal window. Confirm that your MacOSX is on /dev/disk0. If not, adjust accordingly.

20. Type : fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0 (assuming that your partition is on disk0)

21. Ignore the error "Unable to open MBR...."

22. Type : p

23. Remember which partition is your MacOS partition

24. Assuming that your partition is on number 3, type : f 3

25. Type : write to save the changes. Type : yes to confirm.

26. Type : exit to go back to the terminal window.

27. Type : cd /Volumes/[YourMacOSXPartitionLabel]/System/Library/Extentions

28. Type : rm -fr Sleepenabler.kext to remove the file. This file will cause kernel panic if not deleted.

29, Type exit to return to installation window.

30. Select Quit installation to reboot. Remove your DVD drive and reboot normally

You should now be booting to the Chameleon boot loader. Enjoy.

Credit goes to :


Alphonse Morales said...

Do you get the correct, native, 1366x768 resolution with this? And are the Intel embedded graphics fully supported? And one more; Does it mean you set the bootloader up to use only one processor core, disabling the other ones?

Unknown said...

Hello, I´m sorry but I don´t speak english.
Igual queria agradecerte porque despues de muchisimos intentos he logrado instalar OS X en mi aspire 4740. La resolucion de la pantalla es de 1200 x 700 o algo parecido (para Aplhonse Morales)y a pesar de que todo funciona perfecto (hasta la tarjeta Wi-fi) solo me reconoce un nucleo del procesador. Eso se puede corregir? Desde ya muchisimas gracias por tu repuesta

Unknown said...

@Alphonse : Yes, I can get native 1366x768. My Acer 4740G comes with NVidia 310M, and it works perfectly. And yes, you have to set only one processor core. Didn't know why it has not support multi core.

@Nvalverde : Sorry, Can't speak Spanish. But here's my answer from google translate :). "Felicitaciones por su exitoso intento. Sí, por ahora, sólo soporte de procesadores de núcleo único. ¿No ver cómo puede apoyar procesador multiefectos."

Junry said...

Dude, what's wrong on my installer didn't boot on my dvd rom, I burn the file on a dvd and boot from dvd.


Ali Baba said...

Can I install this Mac OS in my acer aspire 4740z? Please answer me soon or email me

alibaba said...

Can I install this Mac OS in my acer aspire 4740z? Please answer me soon or email me

anantha92 said...

Hey dude, have you got wifi working on the laptop? If so how did you do it?

bryan said...

hi. i would like to ask about hard disk partitioning. when you make 2 primary partition, will it delete the recovery partition that is important for e-recovery of your Win OS? If so, did you backup the recovery partition?

anantha92 said...

I have another questions, where you say that you have to install the mobdin kernel, the install disc says "Mobdin Kernel 10.0 AMD only". Do we still install the kernel anyway?

Izwan Arif said...


the "[YourMacOSXPartitionLabel]" is what? i dont understand...

Unknown said...

@Heero : Make sure that it is a bootable DVD
@Ali Baba : I don't really know, since I only got the chance to try it on 4740G
@Anantha92 : Yes, the Wi-Fi works just fine. Just follow the instruction and it is working automatically. Please make sure that you got the Intel kernel DVD, not the AMD ones
@Bryan : No, It won't delete your recovery partition, unless you did so
@Scorn : It's the label that you defined when creating the MacOSX Partition

Izwan Arif said...

i still cant do it... stuck at step number 27. i've named my partition "osx" after following step number 9.
When i typed in "cd/Volumes/osx/System/Library/Extentions" it said "cant find file or directory" help me... T_T

thejeraldo said...

Hi. i have a 4740G it just turns black after i boot to mac.

JERRP said...

Thank you! It worked on my Acer 4740g! :)

Mykeh said...

Hi, nice tutorial, if you have an aspire 4740/4740g, why are you declaring just 1 cpus?, that means that you will not be able to use the 4 cpus of i5 ?

Unknown said...

@Mykeh : It seems that the 10.6.2 kernel still have glitches for multiple cores.

Anonymous said...

Can i Install Mac os in acer aspire one d270

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