Friday, October 19, 2007

Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

I have just installed the latest Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. Not much difference can be found when loading the desktop for the first time, except there's a user name and desktop search icon on top right corner. Compiz window manager (like Beryl) is automatically activated when the installer detects the computer performance.

Pros :

  • Better power consumption for laptop users
  • Most of the packages are already pre installed
  • Built in some firefox plugins
  • Can detect secondary display automatically. Which means, I don't have to change my screen resolution everytime I want to project my screen through projector
  • Pidgin 2.2.1 Multi Messenger is now pre-installed
  • Can read and write to NTFS partition

Cons :
  • Can't install msttcorefonts which is required for IBM 5250 emulator to run (I am currently researching about ubuntu-restricted-extras package and will get back shortly for the result)
  • Can't set anything for Compiz. Unlike Beryl, the visual effect is very limited to wobbly windows, snap to edges, transparent title bar and maximize / minimize / close window animation

Overall, it's still the same good Ubuntu, with more power and features. But please note that these pros and cons are the ones that I found within 2 hours of usage. You can find more new features floating around the web and within the Ubuntu website itself


Efendi said...

check this out then ;)

Unknown said...

Ah. Nice.... Well, the thing is, last time when I was meddling around with Compiz, I haven't updated the repository yet. Don't forget to check the universe option for Synaptic Package Manager.