Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Installing IBM iSeries Client Access for Linux on Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

1.Download IBM iSeries for Linux from the following IBM website :


You may need to create user login before accessing the download link. The latest version of Client Access program is version 1.4 (optimized for Ubuntu).

2. Open Ubuntu package manager program through :

System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager

3. Reload package information from the internet to get the latest list of available packages

4. Install the following packages :
  • alien
  • msttcorefonts
  • libmotif3
  • libxaw6
  • libstdc++5
  • xfs
5. Alternatively, you can install above packages with terminal (Accessories --> Terminal) after reloading the package information from synaptic package manager, by using following commands :

sudo apt-get install alien
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
sudo apt-get install libmotif3
sudo apt-get install libxaw6
sudo apt-get install libstdc++5
sudo apt-get install xfs

6. Since the installer package you downloaded from IBM is an RPM package, you will need alien to convert it into Debian package. Open your terminal, and change the directory to where you put the downloaded program, then type the following command :

sudo alien –i iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.4.i386.rpm

System should automatically generate .deb package and install the application
Hint : Use Tab button when typing first few characters of the filename to ensure it is typed correctly

7. Open the terminal and type the following commands :

sudo ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbcore.so /usr/lib/libcwbcore.so
sudo ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbcore.so /usr/lib/libcwbodbc.so
sudo ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbodbcs.so /usr/lib/libcwbodbcs.so
sudo ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbrc.so /usr/lib/libcwbrc.so
sudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.so.3 /usr/lib/libXm.so.3
sudo ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbcore.so /usr/lib/libcwbcore.so
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.5 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
sudo fc-cache –f –v

8. Continue with running the following command on your terminal :

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

In between the Section “Files” and EndSection, add the following line :

FontPath “unix/:7100”

Then save the file and quit

9. You may want to restart your system to ensure all the package is configured correctly

10. To run the emulator, type the following command on your terminal :

/opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/bin/ibm5250 –LANGID en_us

Enter your AS/400 ip address, user name and password. You may notice that the emulator uses random terminal (QPADEVXXXX). If you want to change the terminal ID, use the following command to run the emulator :

/opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/bin/ibm5250 –LANGID en_us –DISPLAY_NAME “TNAME”

Replace the TNAME with your terminal name. The terminal name is case sensitive, so use upper case to fill it in.

11. You can run the setup application for IBM Client Access by using :


Should you have any problem with fonts or character set conversion, run the following command first before running the setup :

export LANG=en_US

12. It’s all done. Don’t forget that you can create launcher by :

Right click on your desktop, select Create Launcher

Type in your desired displayed name in the name text box

Type in full path and parameter for ibm5250 application in the command text box

I hope you can find this tutorial helpful.

Reference : Ubuntu Forum, IBM