Pac-man was originally came from the word “Pakku-man” where it was inspired by the word “Paku-Paku” in Japanese, meaning the sound / noise : Chomp chomp. It was developed by Midway (Namco), and published in Japan on 1979 with the name “Puck-Man”. When it was released in United States, the name was changed to Pac-Man, fearing that by simply replacing P with an F will create a mockery.
If you’re willing to develop a clone of Pac-Man game, for your assignments or anything, head on to the Wiki page of Pac-Man. You can find various rules and ghost’s behaviour, as well as bonus, scores, and other stuff.
Inset : Original poster of Puck-Man, back in 80's
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OMG I was addicted to Pac Man back in A levels. We had no wireless internet then, so late at night, there was basically NO entertainment 'cept for my lil Pac Man game. LOL....
Do they have Pac Mans for Mac?
On second thought, screw that. I can't afford wasting my 'time' getting addicted to pac man haha.
Well, actually, they do have pac mans for Mac *grin*evil smile* >=)
Here you go :
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