I've just recently stumbled upon some of internet quizes and puzzles. It's quite nice to exercise your mind how to think or maybe pay attention to smallest details.
God Tower : Skill of God (http://www.godtower.com)
Consists of 99 levels. Puzzle solving mostly by looking at the picture, hint, then guess what's the keyword being asked. Quite challenging. Actually this site has been up since years ago. I personally still in level 7 due to work load :(. Maybe we can post hints or clues so we can solve the puzzle in a faster way? But spoiling the answer would make us miss what's best in it, of course.
Tktq (http://www.tktq.net)
Indonesian version puzzle. You have to submit the answer in the address bar instead of filling it in a text box. Requires technical knowledge in internet explorer or other internet browser to solve some of the puzzles.
Freedom (http://freedom.altroz.net)
Similar to Tktq, but in English. Haven't done it all yet.
So? Start thinking!